Conduction test is also called conducted emission test, and it is usually called disturbance voltage test. It tests the interference of products on public networks. As long as there are power cord products will be involved, including many DC power supply products. In addition, signal/control lines also have conduction emission requirements in many standards, which are usually expressed by the limit of disturbance voltage or disturbance current (the two have a mutual conversion relationship), and the insertion loss test in the lamp (directly expressed in dB) It also belongs to the category of conduction testing.
Conducted disturbance test
Test the harassment energy of the power ports of electrical and electronic equipment, communication products and other connection ports
According to the standard:
CISPR16-1-2; CISPR16-2-1;
EN55016-2-1; EN55016-1-2;
GB6113.102; GB6113.201;
ANSI C63.4
Test frequency range: 9KHz-30MHz